G4KQH Contacts from 01/01/2023 to 13/02/2025

Band QSOs
23cm 905
70cm 2233
2m 2459
4m 1525
6m 1215
10m 49
15m 2
40m 3
80m 1
Total QSOs: 8392

G4KQH Contacts per Band - Select Date Range

You can use the pop-up menus below to select a date range to generate a 'contacts per band' table to see what is in the G4KQH log (not updated in real time at the moment).

Please Note: the earliest date covered by the log database is 16 October 2003 (the default start date). To see the contacts made on a single day, use the same date for both 'Start' and 'End' dates.


Select Start of Date Range

Day: Month: Year:

Select End of Date Range

Day: Month: Year:

Click Button:

This facility was programmed by Dave Howes. © Dave Howes 2005-2016.