G4KQH Squares Worked: 144MHz, 16/10/2003 to 08/12/2023

G4KQH Squares Worked Map

Statistics for 144MHz VHF Band

Total squares worked: 123 from 16/10/2003 to 08/12/2023. Total contacts on the band for this period with recorded squares: 5597 with 1424 different stations.

Please Note: not all the squares worked on this band fall within the area covered by the map above.

Squares not on map: DN27, EM31, EN08, EN70, FN13, FN84, IL18, IM78, IM99, JM19, JP52, KO10, KO29, KO50, KO59, KO86, KO93, KO95, KP21.

G4KQH Squares Worked - Select Band and Dates

You can use the pop-up menus below to select a band and date range to generate a 'squares worked' map and 'contacts made' statistics to see what is in the G4KQH log (not updated in real time at the moment).

Please Note: the earliest date for VHF and UHF operation covered by the log database is 16 October 2003 (the default start date). To see the contacts made on a single day, use the same date for both 'Start' and 'End' dates. For UKACs on a specified band and day, a graph showing contact rate is also displayed.


Select a Band


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Day: Month: Year:

Select End of Date Range

Day: Month: Year:

Click Button:

This facility was programmed by Dave Howes. © Dave Howes 2004-2022.