IO09 IO19 IO29 IO39 IO49 IO59 IO69 IO79 IO89 IO99 JO09 JO19 JO29 JO39 JO49 JO59 JO69 JO79 JO89 JO99
IO08 IO18 IO28 IO38 IO48 IO58 IO68 IO78 IO88 IO98 JO08 JO18 JO28 JO38 JO48 JO58 JO68 JO78 JO88 JO98
IO07 IO17 IO27 IO37 IO47 IO57 IO67 IO77 IO87 IO97 JO07 JO17 JO27 JO37 JO47 JO57 JO67 JO77 JO87 JO97
IO06 IO16 IO26 IO36 IO46 IO56 IO66 IO76 IO86 IO96 JO06 JO16 JO26 JO36 JO46 JO56 JO66 JO76 JO86 JO96
IO05 IO15 IO25 IO35 IO45 IO55 IO65 IO75 IO85 IO95 JO05 JO15 JO25 JO35 JO45 JO55 JO65 JO75 JO85 JO95
IO04 IO14 IO24 IO34 IO44 IO54 IO64 IO74 IO84 IO94 JO04 JO14 JO24 JO34 JO44 JO54 JO64 JO74 JO84 JO94
IO03 IO13 IO23 IO33 IO43 IO53 IO63 IO73 IO83 IO93 JO03 JO13 JO23 JO33 JO43 JO53 JO63 JO73 JO83 JO93
IO02 IO12 IO22 IO32 IO42 IO52 IO62 IO72 IO82 IO92 JO02 JO12 JO22 JO32 JO42 JO52 JO62 JO72 JO82 JO92
IO01 IO11 IO21 IO31 IO41 IO51 IO61 IO71 IO81 IO91 JO01 JO11 JO21 JO31 JO41 JO51 JO61 JO71 JO81 JO91
IO00 IO10 IO20 IO30 IO40 IO50 IO60 IO70 IO80 IO90 JO00 JO10 JO20 JO30 JO40 JO50 JO60 JO70 JO80 JO90
IN09 IN19 IN29 IN39 IN49 IN59 IN69 IN79 IN89 IN99 JN09 JN19 JN29 JN39 JN49 JN59 JN69 JN79 JN89 JN99
IN08 IN18 IN28 IN38 IN48 IN58 IN68 IN78 IN88 IN98 JN08 JN18 JN28 JN38 JN48 JN58 JN68 JN78 JN88 JN98
IN07 IN17 IN27 IN37 IN47 IN57 IN67 IN77 IN87 IN97 JN07 JN17 JN27 JN37 JN47 JN57 JN67 JN77 JN87 JN97
IN06 IN16 IN26 IN36 IN46 IN56 IN66 IN76 IN86 IN96 JN06 JN16 JN26 JN36 JN46 JN56 JN66 JN76 JN86 JN96
IN05 IN15 IN25 IN35 IN45 IN55 IN65 IN75 IN85 IN95 JN05 JN15 JN25 JN35 JN45 JN55 JN65 JN75 JN85 JN95
IN04 IN14 IN24 IN34 IN44 IN54 IN64 IN74 IN84 IN94 JN04 JN14 JN24 JN34 JN44 JN54 JN64 JN74 JN84 JN94
IN03 IN13 IN23 IN33 IN43 IN53 IN63 IN73 IN83 IN93 JN03 JN13 JN23 JN33 JN43 JN53 JN63 JN73 JN83 JN93
IN02 IN12 IN22 IN32 IN42 IN52 IN62 IN72 IN82 IN92 JN02 JN12 JN22 JN32 JN42 JN52 JN62 JN72 JN82 JN92
IN01 IN11 IN21 IN31 IN41 IN51 IN61 IN71 IN81 IN91 JN01 JN11 JN21 JN31 JN41 JN51 JN61 JN71 JN81 JN91
IN00 IN10 IN20 IN30 IN40 IN50 IN60 IN70 IN80 IN90 JN00 JN10 JN20 JN30 JN40 JN50 JN60 JN70 JN80 JN90

G4KQH Squares Worked: 144MHz, 16/10/2003 to 15/01/2025

Statistics for 144MHz VHF Band

Total squares worked: 124 from 16/10/2003 to 15/01/2025. Total contacts on the band (all modes) for this period: 6801

Please Note: not all the squares worked on this band fall within the area covered by the map above.

Squares not on map: DN27, EM31, EN08, EN70, FN13, FN84, IL18, IM78, IM99, JM19, JP52, KO10, KO29, KO50, KO59, KO86, KO93, KO95, KP21.

Problems with displaying the map above, or would like to see the station locations?

If you have problems displaying the above map in your particular web browser, here is a link to an alternative version that uses a single Jpeg graphic for the map, rather than the html table and layers used above: Jpeg Squares Map. This alternative map also has added red dots to show the locations of the stations worked when the full grid locator information is available.

G4KQH Squares Worked - Select Band and Dates

You can use the pop-up menus below to select a band and date range to generate a 'squares worked' map and 'contacts made' statistics to see what is in the G4KQH log (not updated in real time at the moment).

Please Note: the earliest date for VHF and UHF operation covered by the log database is 16 October 2003 (the default start date). To see the contacts made on a single day, use the same date for both 'Start' and 'End' dates.


Select a Band


Select Start of Date Range

Day: Month: Year:

Select End of Date Range

Day: Month: Year:

Click Button:

This facility was programmed by Dave Howes. © Dave Howes 2004-2022.